May is Museum Month all across Ontario and Homer Watson House & Gallery is celebrating in a variety of ways. Be sure to join us for these events during the month of May!
May 11th : Lunchtime Lounge, Art Therapy
12:00 – 1:00 pm: Art Therapist Kristine May will be joining for this Interactive Speaker Series. Admission for this event is $10.00 per person. Complimentary admission is offered to those who hold a valid membership. Click here for more information or to register for this event.
May 14th: Mother’s Day
12:00 -4:30 pm: Bring your mother to Homer Watson House & Gallery to view Tracey Lawko’s One Stitch at a Time and the Juried Miniature Exhibition: Colours of Canada and receive free admission for everyone. Light refreshments will be served and a special gift for each Mother.
May 18th: International Museum Day
From 12:00 – 4:30 pm, receive free admission to Homer Watson House & Gallery for Tracey Lawko’s show One Stitch at a Time and the Juried Miniature Exhibition: Colours of Canada, complete with free tours of the Homer Watson Museum with our Executive Curator, Faith Hieblinger.
May 28th: Canadian Celebration Day
From 1:00 – 4:00 pm join us our summer camp kick off! We’ll be hosting this free event for families and community members to experience a wide variety of fun art activities, tours of the Gallery and Museum, children’s entertainment by Erick Traplin from 3:00 – 4:00 pm and Subshack Food Truck (additional cost for food truck). Click here for more information.
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